y How to easily upgrade E-ceros One / Ulefone U58 Smartphone to KitKat 4.4.2 ~ China Gadgets Reviews

Jul 30, 2014

How to easily upgrade E-ceros One / Ulefone U58 Smartphone to KitKat 4.4.2

Yes, it's very easy indeed.

What do you need?

What do you have to do?
Take a look at the below video and follow these steps:
1) Unzip SP tool and firmware
2) In SP tool folder, locate and run Flash tool.exe
3) On Flash Tool, under the 'Download' tab, Click on "Scattering Loading" and select the scatter file (txt) in the firmware folder
4) Once selected, the respective "Download Agent" and "Scattering Loading" files will be loaded onto the SP tool
5) On Flash Tool, click on the "Option" tab and look for
a) "Connection and select High Speed Option
b) "Download" and select "DA DL ALL with CheckSum"
6) In Flash Tool, under the Download tab, click on the drop down button and change "Download Only" to "Firmware upgrade"
7) Turn off your phone, take out the sim card, TF card and battery. Do not put back anything.
8) On Flash Tool, under the Download tab, click on the Green colour "Download" button
9) Connect your phone to the usb cable.
10) You will see a red progress bar at the bottom. Once done, a Green colour Circle will appear and YOU ARE DONE!

If you want root, this method is still working just fine. (already tested by me)
It's true, now the low volume in voice calls is gone, everything is working just fine. (also tested by me ;) )

Enjoy, share is love!

It's possible to work also on Qube Colonia, Elephone P2000 and Doogee Dagger DG550 (it only has 1GB of RAM, but in rest all the specs are almost the same).

21 comentarii:

Panos said...

Not working for me at e-ceros one.

Panos said...

Further info
The process dont even start and -of course- no changes are made to the phone
Seems like win 7 and 8.1 does not recognize my phone through usb without the battery, although no problem with connectivity with battery attached and powered on.

danyrolux said...

I have on my AIO PC Windows 8.1 x64 and worked just perfect, you can see it in these videos...

Panos said...

Yes i notice that....but still my laptop does not connect to my phone...x64 also...and i try it and to my desktop, under w7 sp1 x64 also...

Dont know what to say...maybe change the DA to something else like DA_PL or DA_SWSEC though i dont know what are these... :p instead of MTK_AllInOne_DA ?
Is that stock rom for Greece to?
May be bootloader problem?
You are the expert here my friend...

danyrolux said...

Reinstall drivers, restart PC, restart the phone, change the USB cable, change the USB port, try it on another PC / windows version...

Panos said...

Unfortunately no luck..

Do you press anything during (volume up/down, power on button or something) the pc-phone connection?
I repeat that when the phone is powered OFF there is no activity, and of course -IMHO- there is no way to associate with my pc / laptop.

Unknown said...

What is the difference between this: http://chinagadgetsreviews.blogspot.ro/2014/07/download-422-android-stock-firmware-for.html
posted July 22.
this posted July 30 ??
che differenza c'è tra questo: http://chinagadgetsreviews.blogspot.ro/2014/07/download-android-422-stock-firmware-for.html
postato il 22 luglio.
a questo postato il 30 luglio??

Unknown said...

Help..just got my qube colonia.im having trouble wth my phone.it get hot/warm everytime i played/watch movie. Any one can help me? Thnx

Unknown said...

I've been trying to do this for a few weeks now. I'm doing every step on your instructions but it never recognizes my device. I've even installed the Google USB drivers. I tried it on two different Windows 7 computers. What am I missing?

danyrolux said...

@Denis Aumüller
I have tested on my system with Windows 8.1 64 bit version

danyrolux said...

Easiest tutorial to install Rockchip drivers on a PC with Windows 8.1 64 bit version

Best regards!

Unknown said...

i'm using Qube Colonia and this procedure works!.. confirmed working.. but waht i did was to hold ctrl+alt+T while formatting tru SP Flash Tool..

anyway, upon successfully did this to my phone, my back camera is not functioning anymore, back camera settings worked perfectly on Front cam, so meaning 13mp front cam, back camera is not working.. do you have a fix for this? camera.apk and camera.odex system app to insert..?

Thank you

Unknown said...

Does anyone know how to upgrade qube colonia to Lollipop?

BossKette said...

Need a ROM, a preloader and a proper scatter for MT6582 in the right lenght for this clone.
Or a backup flash firmware image for mpie mp707.
"Brom error 4032, 4001..."

Unknown said...

PLease help the red line is not appearing

Unknown said...

Camera sau của tôi bị ngược bây giờ tôi phải làm sao? Thanhkyou..

Unknown said...

no red bar for me :'(

Panos said...

Does anybody know IF and from WHERE can i buy a spare battery for the E-ceros ONE phone please?

danyrolux said...

I bought one a few months ago from here
All good, the battery fits perfectly.

Unknown said...

Hi, my nephew try to upgrade a Wink World phone and now phone stop start, what to do?

Unknown said...

no red line or loading...?why?what can i do?

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